Essential Cookies
Always On

These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly and cannot be switched off in the user's system. They are typically only set in response to user actions that correspond to services requests, such as privacy settings, logins, or form filling. It is possible to set your browser to block/warn you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.

Performance cookies

These cookies allow us to count the number of visitors and communication traffic sources, which helps us to determine and improve the performance of our site. They help us to identify the most and least popular pages and to understand how visitors move around the site. All the information collected by these cookies is combined together to maintain anonymity. If you do not accept these cookies, the Committee will not know when you visit the Committee's site.

Functional cookies

These cookies enhance the functionality of the website and allows for personalisation. These cookies may be set by the Committee or by a third party that provides additional services to the Website. If you do not accept these cookies, some or all of the services may not function properly.

Social media cookies

These cookies are set by the various social media services that have been added to the Website to allow you to share content with your friends and networks. It tracks the other sites you visit through your browser and creates a profile of your interests. This may affect the content and messages that appear on other sites you visit. If you do not accept these cookies, you will not be able to use/view the sharing tools.